Az információ hatékony kezelése tervezést igényel

Bevált gyakorlatokra vonatkozó útmutatók

Ezen információk rendszerezése, biztonságos tárolása és megsemmisítése, valamint a gyors hozzáférés biztosítása rendkívül összetett feladat.

2021. december 20.6 perc
Az információ hatékony kezelése tervezést igényel

Sok szervezet alulbecsüli a papíralapú és elektronikus adatainak jelentőségét. Ezen információk rendszerezése, biztonságos tárolása és megsemmisítése, valamint a gyors hozzáférés biztosítása rendkívül összetett feladat.

Managing your information is a complex challenge...

Many organisations are weighed down by their physical and electronic ‘paperwork’. Organising, securely storing and disposing of sensitive information – while making it available for instant access – is a complex task. 

Getting it right involves significant resources and is increasingly difficult as legal requirements become more rigorous. Getting it wrong can have expensive consequences.

...there is a simple solution

Iron Mountain can work with you to manage this challenge. We provide high-level security for your paper and digital information, and support your drive for sustainability and cost savings. A leading provider of outsourced information management, our services bridge the gap between physical and digital files. We offer practical advice to solve complex information management challenges for organisations like yours around the world.

Integrated information management

Our end-to-end services take care of your information at every stage, applying an integrated approach to records in both physical and digital formats.

  • Analyse and advise: We offer practical advice on solving your information and legal compliance challenges.
  • Store and protect: We house your paper, tape and digital data in a highly secure physical or online environment.
  • Scanning and digitising: We can scan and index your paper records, either in full or specifically your most active ones.
  • Flexible access: We provide you with fast and reliable access to your documents when you need them.
  • Secure destruction: We work with you to identify which records can be discarded and ensure secure and confidential shredding or deletion.
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